Monday, July 8, 2019

Media Tries To Smear President Trump Over Jeffrey Epstein's Sex Crimes Arrest

Liberals are on the attack again, using the guilt by association attacks against President Donald Trump. Liberals have falsely accused President Trump of being involved in Jeffrey Epstein's child sex slave ring.


Nothing could be further from the truth. When the scandal broke, the Clinton Crime Clan ran for cover, while Donald Trump spoke to the investigators, hiding nothing from them. As you will see in the article, Trump hid nothing, and exposed the liberal perverts to the investigators. Trump was never at Epstein's infamous island, and has barred Epstein from the Trump resorts.


Chrissie Matthews, Anderson Cooper and their buttboys are feeling the wrath of the public as they continue to spew their lies on TV & the internet podcasts. image

Donald Trump is slowly exposing the liberal creeps behind the evil deeds. The Clintons, the 0bamas, the Pelosis, Adam Schiff and their perverts are ducking for cover in vain. image

HEY LIBERALS? You can run, but you can't hide! image

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