Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Alexandria Occasional-Cortex's Latest Whopper: Illegal Mexican Women Drink From The Toilet Bowl


Alexandria 0ccasional-Cortex has been hitting the hooch again! Seriously? The Illegals have to drink from a toilet bowl?


Alexandria, did you give them this toilet to drink out of? Perhaps you told them there's grape juice in the bowl? Perhaps you think America's full of dodo birds ready to gobble your whoppers!


What whopper are you going to cluck and caw next?

You can spew all the liberal caca you want, but we're not a bunch of bird brains, Alexandria.


Your wild whoppers have stirred up the liberal barn, Alexandria.

WAIT, WAIT! The pile has triggered pencilneck Adam to moo the same thing, Alexandria!


Alex, your boy Adam's brain has triggered off the looney tunes. Adam's singing off key, off the charts. Adam needs to be committed to the looney cage. Did he drink from the toilet bowl too?


Oh Alexandria, you forgot to tell the public that the toilet's water supply line is also hooked up to a sink above the toilet.
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