Sunday, January 15, 2012

Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Occupoop Los Angeles, Part Turd...The Stinky Aftermath.

I drove by the illegal encampment the Sunday before they faced eviction from Los Angeles City Hall.  I posted my thoughts on the sister blogsite Rattrapper's MyFox Trappings, so I'll spare you the detailed rant I wrote.  Go to to read the details on what happened.
Now,  I drove by instead of parking and walking on the grounds for one big reason:  THE AWFUL STENCH!  I could smell the stench of poop, urine and vomit from the street as I drove by.  These ass clowns who squatted at city hall got away with an environmental crime and nearly caused an epidemic which could have killed an entire city.  Look at the mess they made...and these are just the tame things I saw.  The things I chose not to photograph were too vile for anyone to cover.

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