Monday, August 5, 2019

Dervish Sez…


Looks like Dervy got hir panties wedged… Take a look at hir moronic mumblings. When you read hir blubberings, you'll laugh at hir.

UH, Grand Wizard dotard? Really? Looks like ze's been whizzing hir gay panties. The Klan Drag Queen must have a bad case of indigestion. Dervish's mental illness keeps getting worse. As xe stays fixated on drinking the liberal urine hooch, Dervish becomes more mentally deranged.


Dervish is about to spank hir monkey. Time to call the SPCA to put hir in the cage.



Dervish's mental illness has affected hir judgement drastically, as you can see. Dervy's obsession with Donald Trump's private parts has gone too far. In fact, Xe posted a bunch of pictures of a naked Trump statue on hir blogs over a year ago. The picture below is a censored version of one of the pictures ze posted before getting called out.


Antoine will try to spin this and smear me and my blog team for telling the truth about hir. Xe is mentally ill and cannot handle the successes Donald Trump has been having in a short period of time.
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