Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Have You Laughed At A Liberal Today? Dervish Sanders Becomes Testy Again


A few years ago, Antoine wrote a post about one of hir neighbors owning some donkeys. Antoine said ze never knew how loud a donkey's braying could be. It appears xe took hir mutt Jigaboos over to meet the donkeys. You can read what Jigaboo's reaction was in the picture above. Donkey's Revenge found this photograph of Antoine's mutt while searching for funny memes. Looks like Antoine's been cruel to hir pet mutts again. Recently, Phony Tony's Mexican pet knapper slave boy Gustavo got busted by the SPCA this past week for animal cruelty in California. Gustavo's been peddling seriously ill puppies to unsuspecting pet parents in Southern California. Gustavo's been under investigation for several years, escaping justice until now.



Antoine is now freaking out at hir hate filled site, after hir Chicano slave boy got busted for animal cruelty. Ze's been spewing out hir delusional fantasies, knowing xe will become a sex slave soon to Tiny, Momo and Big Bubba. Hey Antoine, get ready to bend over on all 4s and bark for your masters. Don't forget to wear your Serelto collar, lest your infest your cage with fleas.
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