Baldy Moonbeam also has his hand in screwing the pooch. When Bauman's boifriends in prison toss him a painful screwball, Baldy Moonbeam will find himself locked up with his buttboy Gavin.
Friday, November 30, 2018
Openly Queer California Democratic Party Chairman Eric Bauman Gets The Boot…
Baldy Moonbeam also has his hand in screwing the pooch. When Bauman's boifriends in prison toss him a painful screwball, Baldy Moonbeam will find himself locked up with his buttboy Gavin.
A Politically Incorrect Blog dedicated to Truth and Logic. A blog to combat the lies that Liberals throw into people's faces. A blog that hopefully shines some light of hope into one's future by the use of scripture and prayer at times. A blog that does good for society. A BLOG THAT IS POLITICALLY INCORRECT! A blog that scares the left wing extremists. A blog that pokes fun at the left (and sometimes the extreme right wing on occasion). And yes, it is conservative!
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Super Bowl LIX (59) Recap - Super Bowl LIX (59) Recap Super Bowl LIX (59) finally arrived. The regular season, playoffs and Pro Bowl are in the books. The new Pro Football Hall of F...3 weeks ago
Do Red Light Running Cameras Really Reduce Crashes at Intersections? - Red light running cameras have been installed at busy intersections across the U.S. and other countries as a measure to reduce accidents caused by driver...4 weeks ago
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Seth Holehouse - aka Man in America, voted for Hillary???... - *indeed he did.* Since the 2020 election, Seth Holehouse (AKA Man in America) has become a household name as a great warrior in the battle for truth and ...2 years ago
The Last Racist on the Planet - I have often said that if you look for racism, or sexism you will find it. The noose in the garage of NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace at Talladega proves my p...4 years ago
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5 Years - Dear Gail, I'm sure that you know this, but Lauren and Justin just graduated!!!! You're looking on all of us and interceding and cheering for us, just as ...12 years ago
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Violent Lefties Are So Predictable... - By John Hawkins at originally posted 03/2010 Unfortunately, there are dangerous kooks, trigger-happy wackos, and lone gunmen out there. Bad ...14 years ago
Lost cleveland fox8 bloggers - Shout out to the "lost" fox8 bloggers from cleveland! We may have to migrate to a site like this. Leave me a comment here16 years ago
How You Treat Animals Is How You Treat People - Michael Vick the Atlanta Falcons Super Star which Children wanted to emulate has finally acknowledged that he had been involved in Dog Fighting. Children l...17 years ago
Drawing Close
Right Truth
Truth Or
Typical Moonbat!

Hee Haw!
A Politically Incorrect Blog dedicated to Truth and Logic. A blog to combat the lies that Liberals throw into people's faces. A blog that hopefully shines some light of hope into one's future by the use of scripture and prayer at times. A blog that does good for society. A BLOG THAT IS POLITICALLY INCORRECT! A blog that scares the left wing extremists. A blog that pokes fun at the left (and sometimes the extreme right wing on occasion). And yes, it is conservative!
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Jewish Treats
Swink Magazine Editor Leelila Strogov
Barry 0bungle's Worst Nightmare
Namm Show Winter 2008
Sheila E. with her brother Peter Michael Escovido Copying prohibited without permission of photographer. Published by permission of photographer
Winter Namm 2008
At the Remy booth. Photo printed by permission of photographer. Copying prohibited without permission of photographer.