You just can't fix stupid! Moonbeam let the Feds flush thousands of gallons of water to save another smelt fish again! You dumb ape! Why didn't you stand up to 0bama & his thugs?

Speak up, moonbeam, and stop being an ©$$clown!

A Politically Incorrect Blog dedicated to Truth and Logic. A blog to combat the lies that Liberals throw into people's faces. A blog that hopefully shines some light of hope into one's future by the use of scripture and prayer at times. A blog that does good for society. A BLOG THAT IS POLITICALLY INCORRECT! A blog that scares the left wing extremists. A blog that pokes fun at the left (and sometimes the extreme right wing on occasion). And yes, it is conservative!
A Politically Incorrect Blog dedicated to Truth and Logic. A blog to combat the lies that Liberals throw into people's faces. A blog that hopefully shines some light of hope into one's future by the use of scripture and prayer at times. A blog that does good for society. A BLOG THAT IS POLITICALLY INCORRECT! A blog that scares the left wing extremists. A blog that pokes fun at the left (and sometimes the extreme right wing on occasion). And yes, it is conservative!