Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jimmy Carter - Enemy Of Israel

I had the opportunity to attend a special event on May 17 2008 in Chino Hills, California. I got to hear 2 speakers at this event: Retired Israeli General Shimon Erem, and former Palestinean Terrorist Walid Shoebat, both speaking on Israel and its miraculous rise from the long hiatus it had for almost 2000 years.

Now what I learned from this is the fact that former United States President Jimmy Carter is literally an enemy of Israel. Now this is serious, and he has done so much damage to the United States and Israel by going off to the Middle East, and literally making back door deals with the terrorists, and selling the United States down the drain. General Erem went over a laundry list of Carter's activities which lead the U.S. into a heap of trouble which could have been avoided, had he listened to the authorities, and stayed away. I will be attending another event this week, and hopefully get more information about this. out.