Saturday, April 2, 2022

Dervish's Fixation On Men's Private Parts

One of the early goals Mystere had on this blog back in 2008-2009 was to expose liberal lunacy in any and all forms while trying to be tasteful.  We were blog posters on MyFoxLA and other MyFox sites when we first started posting.  We met a bunch of fine people on the sites.  We met some posters on MyFoxCleveland and Polar Bear of MyFoxCleveland started the Cleveland Foxers blog after the MyFox sites splintered with more technology and social media sites exploding on the scene.  I had an invite from Polar Bear to join, but I was busy posting on Rattrapper's MyFox Trappings to post on Cleveland Foxers.  Mystere took up the invite and created several WordPress sites as well.  But that's an anecdote for another post, perhaps.

Right now, while Mystere remains busy on keeping Cleveland Foxers busy, I am trapping Demonrats in fierce ways.  Dervish Sanders has been stinking up the blogosphere with his dirty innuendos and vile sexual fantasies he posts in his retorts.  He's been showing his Queer fixation on men's private parts in his vile retorts.  See the definition of "boofing" and Dervish's Queer fixation on it:

Dervish recently threw an infantile hissyfit on Who's Your Daddy, spewing his sexually perverted retorts.  Below is a screencap from the post, with my indicators written in blue-violet font.

As you can see, Dervish uses his hate to name call and bully those he hates.  His fixation on male genitalia and men's anal cavities for sexual gratification shows up in his retorts.  Notice his fixation on "Boofing"?  It gets worse, as you will see on the screencaps I have from a few of his hate blogs.

I wonder who is doing the "boofing" now?  Dervish also posted a false prophecy of World War 3 starting on April 15 2017 on President Donald John Trump Sr.'s watch.  Dervish bravely prophecied with glee that it would happen.  Yet he says everyone else is possessed by Satan and that they are queers.

Dervish has become severely unhinged with paranoia, accusing Mystere of creating a new Google account with Dervish's actual name attached to it.  😝😝😝😝😝🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣  Seriously?  Dervish has lost his BB pellets.  Mystere and I have better things to do, plus neither of us have ever hacked an account, unlike Dervish.  Dervish has become a liberal Biden worshipping laughingstock.

πŸ”ΌπŸ”ΌπŸ”ΌTake another look at another screenshot pulled from Dervish's hate site.πŸ”ΌπŸ”ΌπŸ”Ό  Dervish has lost his mind!  Take a look at his header too.  He portrays Joe Biden as a muscular stud, such as the type LGBTQ members portray gay men.  At this time, Mystere and I can find more dirt, but it's enough for now.

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