Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Basement Dummy's Perverted Boy's Past...

One night in 2019, Joey The Talking Chicken Bidet's younger drug addicted playboy Hunter Bidet went out for a wild fling on the town.  Hunter dragged his drug addicted carcass to one of Larry Flynt's Hustler Casinos.

Basement Dummy's brain dead jackal boy went on a wild spree at the Hustler Casino with a couple of whores, squandering loads of cash on the prostitutes and getting his anus probed with vibrators, giving him tingles up his tenderloins.

Basement Dummy's jackal spawn takes after him.  And apparently Basement Dummy's brother also shows us what fell from the family treetops.

Basement Dummy's family bbq will be a bunch of barbecued dodobirds waiting for Satan to consume them unless they wake up and get right with God.  For their sake, let's hope they get right with God!

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