Friday, September 2, 2022

Assface Dervish Cries Over Being Censored

Assface Dervish Sanders threw a hissyfit at his hate site recently.  Someone at Google allegedly tossed out one of his hate posts.  He blames Mystere for it, but has 0 proof.

July 28, 2022 at 8:57 AM

I noticed this morning that this post was missing. I looked at my blogger dashboard and saw the following notice...

"This post was unpublished because it violates Blogger Community Guidelines. To republish, please update the content to adhere to guidelines".

What Blogger guideline did/does this post violate? I don't know. I can guess, but Blogger did not specifically say what community guideline they believe this post violates (or violated). I made some minor changes (removing something I thought might be causing the problem) then copied and pasted the content into a new blog post.

I didn't lose any comments because there weren't any. Was my post flagged by a bot? Or did someone report this post? I'm not sure. Unless Mystere wants to take credit (he might want to gloat).

As for what changes I made, I'm not going to say. Lest it inform someone as to what worked in getting my post flagged. And therefore they will know what to do in the future to get more posts (or possibly even this blog) removed.

The original post is still showing under my dashboard as reverted to draft. If I click "edit", I see a button on the top right that says "request review". I am not going to click it. Why? Because my preference is to not unnecessarily invite scrutiny. I don't think I did anything wrong, but who knows what might happen if I ask for a "review". I didn't lose the post or any comments (as there were none that I ever saw) so I'm fine just republishing. So long as this republished post is also not reverted to draft because it "violates community guidelines".

That a-hole Mystere thinks I "attacked" his Wordpress blogs. All I did was report him because he was faking comments from me on one of his blogs. And the faked comments linked to my Gravatar account. Making me think he somehow hacked it. I'm not sure.

No one here wants to take credit for that, Assface Dervish.  But a webcam caught a photo of you the moment you got that notice.

But wait... Here's more of his tantrum:

I do know I did not like it that comments on his blog that DEFINITELY appeared to have been made by me (with MY account) were not. So I reported it. Automatic (WordPress) decided Mystere violated their TOS and removed a number of his blogs, which made Mystere very angry. According to him, someone hacked him, then used his hacked account to hack my account. Sounds like BS to me.

Mystere: Tennessee libturd... Dervish Sanders... attacked my WordPress blogs, and got my blogs deleted when one of his allies attacked my sites, harvested data when Google and Yahoo got hacked and compromised, and hacked into his accounts using my Automatic account to hack his account (10/29/2021 at 12:26 AM).

Assface Dervish can't take the heat when he gets caught sinning.  Kudos to whoever reported Assface to Google.  It was quite amusing watching Assface Dervish squirming in pain over this.

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