Monday, February 21, 2022

Flingo The Ahab King Of Jackals Sanders

Flingo the Ahab King of Jackals Sanders hasn't made much of a peep or muttering lately on his hate sites.  He's been fixated on poo flinging, only to have it fly back on his crinkled stinky carcass.

The monkey business has him occupied as he imitates his braindead senile idol sitting on the Oval Office White porcelain throne after chowing down on chocolate ice cream cones.

In the meantime, his party members are trying to bury every scandalous act they go to at their own free will.  The truth has a way to surface as justice will not remain buried 6 feet under!

Dervish slobbers over every violent act that JackalJoeJoe Bidet commits to "Make America China Again."

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