In one day, Samson killed 10,000 Philistines with the Jawbone of an Ass. Today our nation dies with the same weapon!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
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In one day, Samson killed 10,000 Philistines with the Jawbone of an Ass. Today our nation dies with the same weapon!
A Politically Incorrect Blog dedicated to Truth and Logic. A blog to combat the lies that Liberals throw into people's faces. A blog that hopefully shines some light of hope into one's future by the use of scripture and prayer at times. A blog that does good for society. A BLOG THAT IS POLITICALLY INCORRECT! A blog that scares the left wing extremists. A blog that pokes fun at the left (and sometimes the extreme right wing on occasion). And yes, it is conservative!
A Politically Incorrect Blog dedicated to Truth and Logic. A blog to combat the lies that Liberals throw into people's faces. A blog that hopefully shines some light of hope into one's future by the use of scripture and prayer at times. A blog that does good for society. A BLOG THAT IS POLITICALLY INCORRECT! A blog that scares the left wing extremists. A blog that pokes fun at the left (and sometimes the extreme right wing on occasion). And yes, it is conservative!