Talk about sour grapes, here is a slam delivered by John Kerry to George Stephanopoulos published in Newsmax:
John Kerry: Rush Limbaugh Forced Palin Pick
Monday, September 1, 2008 5:21 PM
By: Phil Brennan
According to Massachusetts Democratic Sen. John Kerry, John McCain didn't choose Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin because she knows more about energy than just about anybody else in politics. John McCain didn't choose Sarah Palin because she is a hard-nosed, take-no-prisoners reformer. He didn't choose Sarah Palin because she is a skilled debater and campaigner. According to Kerry, Rush Limbaugh made him do it. NewsBusters reported that Kerry told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Sunday's "This Week" that "John McCain wanted to choose Tom Ridge. He wanted to choose Joe Lieberman. He wanted to choose another candidate, but you know what? Rush Limbaugh and the right-wing vetoed it. And John McCain was forced to come back and pick a sort of Cheney-esque social conservative who's going to satisfy the base. What John McCain has proven with this choice is that John McCain is a prisoner of the right-wing, not a maverick."
Asked by Stephanopoulos if when he said that McCain is erratic he meant it was because he chose Gov. Palin Kerry said "Absolutely. Because what has happened is that John McCain . . . You know, we've been warning against the third term of George Bush. "With the choice of Governor Palin, it is now the third term of Bush-Cheney. Because what he's done is chosen somebody who actually doesn't believe that climate change is man-made. He's chosen somebody who has zero, zero experience in foreign policy. The first threshold test of a president, of a nominee, in choosing a vice-president, is to prove to the American people that the person that you've chosen can fill in tomorrow. "That they come with the requisite experience to lead the nation in foreign policy and in national security. You know, she may be, I mean I'm sure she's a terrific person. I'm not attacking her. I think John McCain's judgment is once again put at issue because he's chosen somebody who clearly does not meet the national security threshold. Who is not ready to be president tomorrow."
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The far left wing will be miserable when John McCain and Sarah Palin take the White House, because their free ride will be over! So don't cry over spilled ketchup Senator Kerry! The government will stop subsidizing all your rotten tomatoes!
Senator Kerry made some excellent points. He even seemed upset that an old friend- John McCain had given up being a maverick-lusting for the presidency. Senator Kerry is known for speaking truth to power and telling it like it is. Frankly,his plans and ideas were ahead of the pack in 2004. And, he has been proven correct on many of the issues he warned us about and ran on in 2004 that I trust his judgement. Palin isn't readly for prime time and I can not vote for a ticket that may place her at the helm.
"Senator Kerry is known for speaking truth to power and telling it like it is."
Oh really?
So much for telling it like it is, huh?
Don't be afraid to leave your name; you can use an alias such as a blog name. I like to dialog and respond with others. I haven't yet seen him proven totally correct, yet I'm glad that Kerry at least shows where he stands. Palin has more experience than you realize...the Alaskan National Guard is one of the first to get called up when they call up the service. She has more backbone than the far left wing would like; they're the ones on a smear campaign now.
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