Friday, April 16, 2010

Here Comes the "ENDA" the line For Liberals!

I got this email which I believe should be a warning to those 
who want our country to be a free country! 
Check this one out 
(Yes I removed my name from the email for my own privacy!):
From the Desk of:
Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

It looks like the Employment Non-Discrimination Act
(ENDA) is now going to be one of the highest
priorities of the ultraliberal 111th Congress,
which potentially puts Christians on the wrong
side of the law. Please see my extremely important
message below -- Mat 

Imagine that your child or grandchild came home from school
and announced, "Mr. Smith came to school today wearing a dress.
Now we have to call my teacher Miss Smith. I thought Mr.
Smith was a man!"

Under the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), this
scenario not only CAN take place, but individuals like
"Miss Smith" would be PROTECTED by LAW from dismissal based
upon their "sexual orientation."

ENDA promotes "sexual orientation" to the same protected
class as race, creed, color or national origin. It also
grants cross-dressers and transsexuals the status of
being in a protected class. Under ENDA, every school
system would be forbidden by law to squelch anyone
demonstrating homosexual or transsexual displays - or
face severe discrimination charges.

If ENDA passes, your children or grandchildren could be
held captive in classes taught by women who "present"
as men or men who "present" as women.  Of course, their
young and inquisitive minds will be indoctrinated to
believe that this is perfectly normal and acceptable

At its core, ENDA is an orchestrated effort to break
down gender identity in our society.  Make no mistake:
ENDA is intended to be the next nail in the coffin of
American freedom.

Liberty Counsel attorney Matt Barber noted in a Washington
Times article this week that morally and legally, "ENDA
will force - under penalty of law - Christian, Jewish
or Muslim business owners to adopt a secular-humanist
viewpoint, ignoring all matters surrounding sexual
morality while making hiring and firing decisions."

Matt's article continued, "ENDA would compel business
owners with 15 or more employees to leave sincerely
held religious beliefs at the workplace door and submit
to the demands of the homosexual activist lobby."

If ENDA passes, Christian-owned for-profit
businesses employing more than 15 people
will be forced to accept applications from
individuals whose behavior is in violation
of the owners' religious tenets.

++Elevating the threat of ENDA passage.

President Obama is using his presidential "bully pulpit"
to promote homosexuality, pass ENDA and repeal the
Defense of Marriage Act. If you have any doubt of
that, just look at one of his recent controversial
"recess" appointments...

Chai Feldblum, credited with writing the
ENDA legislation, is now the first openly
gay commissioner of the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission. The Senate stalled
for months on approving her controversial
nomination, in part because it places her
in the uniquely threatening position of
having written legislation that she is
now empowered to enforce!

Liberty Counsel has strongly opposed Feldblum's
appointment to the EEOC since President Obama first
announced her nomination.  She is on record as stating
that when homosexual "rights" issues come in conflict
with religious rights, "Gays win, Christians lose."

It is therefore very distressing that the President
made her a powerful EEOC Commissioner (one of only
five) during a congressional recess, thus avoiding
the normal process of Senate approval.  It is unlikely
she could have passed muster in a Senate confirmation

++Help Liberty Counsel defend the rights of people of faith.

ENDA is one of the most dangerous pieces of anti-faith
legislation ever to be considered by Congress. The next
vote on ENDA could take place as early as April 21st.

Liberty Counsel is conducting a massive legal and citizen
action campaign to fight the pro-homosexual agenda and
passage of the ENDA law both nationally and state-by-state.

Our petition calls for Congress to OPPOSE ENDA and stop
this travesty from becoming the law of the land. We have
almost 140,000 signers to date, but I need to get 250,000
or more signatures in order to strengthen our position
against the upcoming strong liberal push in Congress.

Please go here to sign our petition:

After you sign the petition, you'll then be given an
opportunity to expand your impact and expedite your
message to Congress by using Liberty Counsel's powerful
fax barrage. It is vitally important that concerned
citizens like you and me begin registering opposition
to ENDA as soon as possible - this bill could move very
quickly in the ultraliberal 111th Congress!

The overt promotion of the homosexual agenda by passing ENDA,
repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, and eliminating
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" were all Obama campaign promises.
The various Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transsexual (LGBT)
organizations have been working with the Obama
administration to identify openly LGBT Americans to
serve as presidential appointees, with Chai Feldblum's
appointment to the EEOC being the most recent among many.

MYSTERE, our religious freedoms are being threatened
by ENDA and our family units are being undermined by
the threat of repealing DOMA.  President Obama's
radical appointees, now assigned to strategic
positions of governmental leadership, have an
undeniable agenda. We have to stop ENDA in Congress

I urge you to sign our petition opposing the anti-faith
Employment Non-Discrimination Act.  I am calling on all
Liberty Counsel team members to demand that our elected
officials oppose ENDA.  Once you've signed the petition,
you will be given the opportunity to jump-start your
message by joining the powerful Liberty Counsel Fax Barrage.

Thank you for standing with Liberty Counsel in our massive
legal and citizen action campaign to defeat ENDA!

God Bless You,

Mathew D. Staver, Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. ENDA is a destructive piece of legislation that will
force many employers with deeply-held religious beliefs to
submit to a federal law mandating that they hire people
whose lifestyles are offensive to them.  Go here now to
sign our petition opposing ENDA. Thank you!

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Note: Please do not "reply" directly to this e-mail message.
This e-mail address is not designed to receive your personal
messages. To contact Liberty Counsel with comments, questions
or to  change your status, see the link at the end of this e-mail.)
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+ + Comments? Questions?

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and
Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and
policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom,
the sanctity of human life and the traditional family.
Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776


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