Saturday, April 18, 2009

Obama Blabs Out Defense Plans

Just when you think what can Obama do to destroy this nation, Obama pulls another gigantic destructive blunder out of the rabbit's hat! In a typical Jimmy Carter school of blunders lesson, Obama decides it's okay to broadcast every plan that National Defense used to protect the country! Yes, that dumbo chump blabbed everything to the enemies! And yet his camp had accused John McCain of caving into the enemy when he was a POW in the Vietnam war! Well I hope those of you who voted for this chump are happy and celebrating your tea bagging parties! This dumbo has sold our security to the enemy! By the way, here's what Obama is doing while selling out to the enemy:

Are you done now? Now don't monkey around Mr. President!


  1. One of the most unfunny attempts at blog writing I have ever seen. Did you even make it out of grammar school?

  2. Anonymous said...
    "One of the most unfunny attempts at blog writing I have ever seen. Did you even make it out of grammar school?"

    April 27, 2009 8:43 AM

    One of the most cowardly attempts at mud slinging I have ever seen. Did you fall on your head when you flew out of the moonbat cave?
