Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy 69er Birthday Barney Frank!

Happy Birthday Barney Frank! I heard that you just celebrated your 69er with your boyfriend last night, according to the news.

Even though I disagree with you 100% on your liberal socialist extremist policies, it is your birthday, so happy birthday! But remember that sin for a season has a high price to pay! Happy Birthday Barney Frank!

By the way, in your relationship
, are you the husband or the wife?


  1. You seem unusually preoccupied with the sexual tastes of Barney Frank. I'm wondering if you have unresolved issues yourself? Are you another Ted Haggard?

  2. Workman,

    Homosexuality is evil in God's sight. As much as God loves Barney Frank as a person, He hates Barney's deeds as a homosexual. The sad truth is this: If Barney Frank doesn't stop what he's doing, and recognize Jesus Christ is the only way into heaven for both Jewish and non Jewish folks (yes, Jesus himself was Jewish when he lived on this earth), he will fall under the wrath of God. The sad truth is this: we are all destined to fall into the same trap, unless we ask Jesus Christ to forgive us of our own sins; no one else is guilt free. Jesus was the only man who lived without doing evil. And no, I'm not another Ted Haggard, or anyone else you can think of...however, I am not sinless either. It's only the grace of God that will ever get me through life's blunders.

  3. I didn't know Kim Jong-il wrote a blog.

  4. "Fisher said...

    'I didn't know Kim Jong-il wrote a blog.'"

    I didn't realize Barney Frank's brothel members read this blog. Good for you Fishy!

    Happy holiday Fisher!

  5. There are unfortunately too many losers like you Mystere ... I think the worst thing is that you actually think you represent God whereas in fact you only represent your self-hatred .. no true Christian would be involved an attack like yours ... anyway, enough time wasted on an insect like you, I'm off to do something useful ... I suggest you get a life and do the same ...

  6. So Bruce,

    Where are you going to make yourself useful? The Guano Pile? Flying back to the batcave?

  7. Oh and why did you even come to such an old post Bruce?

  8. I was reading your comments on this blog and I wish you wouldn't speak of God's goodness and grace and then retaliate viciously at the people who commented. Sure, they aren't friendly replies but maybe you're not setting a good example as a Christian by getting offended and being mean back. If their comments offend you so much, perhaps just delete them or disable them. Remember, you're obviously going to receive flack for posting certain controversial topics so maybe don't let yourself get so offended when they say these things. I mean, what standards should you really have for someone who is not a Christian? You have the power to allow yourself to become worked up or not. I promise you, Mystere, that this is said in love because you'll find yourself happier and exhibiting more of God's joy the less you allow opposing views get to you. And you'll find that more people will see Jesus in you and receive His truth through you. You don't have to approve this comment I just really wanted to help you out.

  9. I haven't read the rest of your blog I just stumbled across this when I was googling Barney Frank, so that is why I came to an old post, haha.

  10. Brittany,

    Just curious about what you were doing when you searched for Barney he your Congressman?

  11. intolerance like yours is a sad sad thing. i will pray for you.

  12. Joe Hassert aka Plural1:

    mystere brought your comment to my attention, so that we could debate on whether to publish it or not. I told him that I would take care of matters, and he gave me the green light. I found out your real name, and decided to let others know, so that they could pray for you instead! You see, tolerating evil deeds such as sodomy is an absolute sin in God's eyes! BARNEY FRANK IS UNREPENTANT IN HIS SINS, AND NEEDS TO WAKE UP BEFORE HE DIES IN HIS SIN! Mystere just exposed this while wishing him a happy 69th birthday several months ago. While the so-called progressives which are nothing more than the degenerate far left moonbats are out to encourage sinning and being a bunch of degenerates, many conservatives see the consequences and the disaster trail they leave behind. Joe, wake up, before your generation leads itself into disasters! Mystere and I lived through the Carter years as teenagers, and Obama and his cohorts are doing the same disastrous things that Jimmy Carter did, which led to the violence that the Ayatollah committed back when he overthrew the Shah of Iran. Mystere even went to high school with a member of the Shah's travel agent's family. Khomeini wanted to execute the Shah's travel agent's family and all their blood relatives, starting first with the travel agent. That was a heavy price to pay back in 1979.

    As for Barney Frank, he has done plenty of damage, including sticking his hands into ACORN, and he continually lies that he had no ties with ACORN and other far left wing groups. So if you want to be a "progressive", you need to look and start using your brain! And if I'm being rough with you, too bad! I don't tolerate whiners! Just be glad I along with mystere severed the link to your blogsite before posting your reply!

    Cheery Ohs JoeyBoy!

  13. Rattrapper,

    Kudos to your direction on which way to go with that commentary from Plural1! That guy is a bit green, and needs to learn plenty of things from the world.
