Monday, December 8, 2008

The Reason For The Season:

The Reason For The Season:

It's that wonderful time of the year again. My, how 2008 has gone by quickly! We've had some historical events in the making: Alaska's Governor Sarah Palin as the first Republican female nominee for Vice President, Delaware Senator Joseph Biden being the first Delaware Senator elected to the second highest office of Vice President, Republican Senator John McCain being the oldest candidate for President, and finally, the election of the first Half African American President Barack Obama.

It is easy to take our freedom for granted, so we must remember the roots for our freedom: the birth of Our Savior Jesus Christ. If it weren't for the birth and death of Jesus Christ, we would not have the United States Of America as we know it. Had Jesus Christ not been born, we might still have a land, but it would be a land filled with tyranny and chaos. Mankind would be a civilization of lost souls, destined for destruction, based on mankind's track record of the lust for power and dominance. When you look at the societies which do not look to Jesus Christ and God for guidance, you will see the society become tyrannical sooner or later. Man has the propensity to sin in his nature, due to Adam and his wife rebelling in the Garden of Eden.

With the birth and death of Jesus Christ, we received the best gift of all to mankind: God's good will toward mankind, and his gift of eternal life. I will have more to follow, as the days progress. Merry Christmas my readers!


  1. And here I was, all set to celebrate Chrisma-Hana-kwanza-kuh Day. Darn!

  2. 'Had Jesus Christ not been born, we might still have a land, but it would be a land filled with tyranny and chaos. Mankind would be a civilization of lost souls, destined for destruction, based on mankind's track record of the lust for power and dominance'

    Proof, then, that Jesus never existed.



  3. Elroy,

    Just a heads up: If you mock Jesus, it's like poking the eyes of God, and there are serious consequences FROM GOD when you do that. I'm just giving you a heads up by allowing your comment here. I suggest that you open your mind. I'd hate to be the last one who warned you to not mess with God. There's an unpleasant place called Hell, and I don't wish it on anyone!

  4. I’ll put it another way; as it is obvious that the world, including the USA, is filled with tyranny and chaos, that mankind is a civilization of lost souls destined for destruction based on his track record of the lust for power and dominance then, QED, Jesus was never born, as the very things that you say his birth averted are with us in spades.

    And as for poking God in the eye, well, if He is as forgiving and understanding as the propaganda states, he will understand and forgive; if, however, He is the vengeful, capricious, angry, jealous God that He is also sometimes described as then I want nothing to do with him – indeed, a poke in the eye may do Him some good. On the other hand he might just be entirely made up, in which case this discussion is moot.

    As for hell, I am reminded of the story of the missionary that explained the whole God/Jesus/Heaven/Hell scenario to the local Eskimo chief who, once the missionary was finished, said ‘If I didn’t know about hell, would I still go there?’ The missionary thought about this and, quite honesty, replied ‘No’, to which the Eskimo said ‘Then why did you tell me?’



  5. Elroy,

    There are many things that I will never understand about God, and God took the time out to tell us this in various parts of the Bible throught the writers. History has stated that Jesus did live over 2000 years ago; I read about it in my world history class over 30 years ago, when I was a freshman in high school; the book was a California State Series approved book back in 1977-78. The book focused on the fact that he did live in the Middle East, and that he had followers, which corresponds with what is written in the Bible. And by the way, I went to a public parents were not of the Christian Faith.

    Just for a thought Elroy: If Satan is as real as he is described in the Bible, did it ever occur to you that he would do everything in his power to trick every person into believing that he either doesn't exist (for the people who are likely not to believe in God), that he is extremely powerful (for those who are likely to believe in the supernatural and are the type who like being powerful), that he does exist and he is God (for those who are likely to get involved in a cult)...I can go on with more examples, but I'm sure you get my drift?

    Elroy, at this time in your life, you're not ready to believe what I believe, but you never know what the future holds for you. You'll encounter many folks either at your workplace, or by people knocking on your door. There are cults which claim to be Christian but are not (Jehovah's Witnesses & Mormons are 2 of the most common cults), so take those 2 with a grain of salt.

  6. Don't patronize me, sunshine. So you read about it in a book? So what? Jesus, at best, was a political agitator who fell foul of the authorities – he was not the son of a or any god, if indeed he lived at all, which is in serious question.

    If you can prove to me, scientifically and beyond any reasonable doubt, that Jesus lived and was the SOG then I'll believe you, but up until then its your case to prove. Knock yourself out.



  7. Elroy:

    I'm not patronizing you dude! There may be some who have responded to you in a similar manner with the intent to partonize you, but I have no intent on doing so. You 've given me an interesting challenge here, so I'll take some time to do thorough work with it to give you the most accurate answer I can give. By the way, I didn't realize you're in Australia...I just recently looked at your profile. Happy New Year, and I hope you're enjoying the long days of summer.

    "Mr. E"

  8. I didn't mean to be oversensitive but

    'Elroy, at this time in your life, you're not ready to believe what I believe, but you never know what the future holds for you. You'll encounter many folks either at your workplace, or by people knocking on your door. There are cults which claim to be Christian but are not (Jehovah's Witnesses & Mormons are 2 of the most common cults), so take those 2 with a grain of salt.'

    conveys the message that I am a young and inexperienced goof who has yet to ponder the deeper questions and the encounter the bumps of life highway. I can assure you that nothing could be further from the truth – indeed, it was many journeys down life's back C roads. mountain tracks, back alleys and cul de sacs that have then me to my position.

    Still, I thank you for your fulsome apology and hereby forgive you unconditionally, as such civility is rare among right-wing bloggers, and look forward to the debate ahead viv a vis the existence or otherwise of a creator.

    Your move. Bring it on.


    PS The weather down here at the moment is, indeed, sublime. I wish I could say the same for yours...

  9. Elroy,

    I hope your year has gotten off to a good start! I haven't forgotten about you; I've been quite swamped with work, and it's been quite time consuming. I happen to have a former colleague who heads a non profit organization which is on line too:

    His name is Greg Koukl, and he has a 2 hour radio show on Sundays @ 3PM Pacific Time, which you can hear on I have a link to KBRT on my site. I'm still reading Jenn Of The Jungle from time to time.

    I hope you're enjoying the summertime!

    "Mr. E."
