Thursday, July 10, 2008

Chopping Nuts (Jesse Jackson)

Talk about politics...Jesse has done it again! I know you all heard it, and seen the video, so I won't repeat it. But before I go further, I want to acknowledge the response from Reverend Al Sharpton; at least he had the guts to say something when asked about it. He looked so uncomfortable when asked about Jesse's remark, but at least he had a respectable response. Also, Junior had the guts to speak out against what his father said. So to Al and Jessie Junior: Kudos!

Now what really disturbs me is this: Where Are The Rest Of The African American Civil Rights Leaders? Why haven't they spoken out about Jackson's comments about Obama? Where are you Earl Ofari Hutchinson? Why haven't you said a peep about it? Funny how these folks start yelling and screaming about that Kelly girl who made a joke around Tiger Woods, and how the leaders said she should be punished, even though she cleared the air with Tiger? How about those who condemned radio host Don Imus for his remarks, the same folks who went after that Kelly girl? How about the ones who are saying that those kids who pulled a prank with the Charter Oaks High School Yearbook should be prosecuted and sent to prison for a long time because they allegedly committed a "Hate Crime"?

How about it Earl, if you have the guts to read this blog? Are you giving Jesse a free pass because he's black and part of the community? Why haven't you gone after your own? Why are you bullying a bunch of high school kids who made a bad decision, and not going after Jesse for wanting to cut off Obama's nar nars? Don't forget that Obama is also part white.

Is Earl Ofari Hutchinson, by staying quiet, giving Jesse the nod to make a crude remark because Obama is part white? Or is Earl just being a big chicken about speaking out?

Chop Chop Earl!

For those of you who are wondering who Earl Ofari Hutchinson is, he is a writer, and a self proclaimed civil rights leader in the Los Angeles California area. He is known to be a loud mouth civil rights activist, and one of his last rants was about prosecuting a bunch of high school yearbook kids who made a bad judgment about swapping out some names on a page in a yearbook. Yes it was a bad joke, but Hutchinson stuck his nose into something that was none of his business. He has been noticeably absent in light of the nut chopping remark made by "Reverend Jesse".


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