Saturday, October 30, 2010

Jerry Brown's Long Lost Twins

I see a family reunion here! Muh-muh my! Muh-muh my!

Democrats Blowing a Smoke Screen to Hide Behind?

It is I, Rattrapper!

I have a
serious question here: Do you think the Democrats have blown up a smoke screen to hide behind? Are Babs and Moonbeam sending out smoke to hide their 68 combined years of political failures? These 2 libturds had many years to shape up and represent the legal residents of California; yet both of them have managed to drive out businesses from the state, and have left California bankrupt. They both face tough opponents: Carly Fiorina and Meg Whitman. Both women became CEOs of successful businesses: Hewlett-Packard and E-Bay. Boxer and Brown have been failing career politicians for a combined 68 years (Brown - 40, Boxer - 28), and have left California and the United States in debt.

I'm sure you're wondering what the smoke screen is: It's Proposition 19! The liberal campaign clowns have brought it out to create a diversion from the issues, and to hopefully keep some from voti
ng for the Republican candidates. I must say something now to the Democrats: Your plan's going to backfire! Do you moonbats think that the people of California are so stupid? Those who are registered Republicans can see through the smoke screen, and a number of Democrats who are fed up with the dumbo tripe you moonbats keep feeding them are ready to fight back!

Hey! They say pictures
are worth 1,000 words, so here's a picture for you:

Rattrapper out!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Nisar Ahmed: The first teacher banned for life for being useless | Mail Online

Here is something that California could learn from the British:  DUMP A DOPE from the payroll!  When you read the article from the provided link, you will see that this guy got fired for being a dope!  This is something that California teachers fear, if Meg Whitman gets voted into office.  With Jerry Brown, the dopes will have job security!  So let this be a reminder to go after the dopes, and give them a pinky booty!
Nisar Ahmed: The first teacher banned for life for being useless | Mail Online

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Liberals Fire Juan Williams, Stage Hand at Obama Rally, and Other Big Blunders


This week has been a big fat blunder for left wing extremist liberals.  It seems that they keep setting themselves up for embarassment this past week.Laughing

First, let's look at Nazi Poop Radio aka NPR and the flap they raised by firing Juan Williams for being honest about how he felt while being around garbed Muslims on a plane.  All Juan was saying is that he worries more when they display their Muslim beliefs over being patriotic or loyal to America.  Those clowns spewed their hatred for truth by firing Williams.  Williams is a liberal in many areas, yet the NPR goons will kick out one of their own, when he dares to be honest!  Well ha ha NPR...Juan got a great deal from Fox News for being honest:  a great paying contract from the private sector!
Now let's look at blunder #2:  IATSE fires a stage hand for wearing a Bush Hat and Sweatshirt at an 0bama rally!  Now what's going on?  Are these clowns paranoid, thinking someone conservative is spying on them?  This stage hand has a son who is serving on the USS George H.W. Bush, and he wore that hat and shirt to support his son!  Yes, his son is one of our soldiers, and the libturds apparently hate patriots who dare to wear anything that has the Bush name on it!  The donkeys have just opened themselves up for a discrimination lawsuit!  And to make it worse for the Democrats, it makes them look even more intolerant!  While Democratic liberals preach tolerance, they refuse to practice what they preach!
Oh, and when they wounded themselves earlier with the next thing I must report, the liberals keep blowing themselves up.  Now what's #3?
Okay, here's humiliating blunder number 3:  Gubernatorial Candidate Jerry's Brown's liberal thug lawyer Gloria Allred brings out a lawsuit against GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Meg Whitman from a housekeeper who allegedly is an illegal from Mexico.  While Allred tries to drop a bombshell in the California gubernatorial race to re-elect a failed past Democrat Governor, she does it at a time which arouses suspicion among many voters.  The case is full of holes, which show that Whitman could not legally fire the worker without risking being sued for illegally firing a worker, and it came at a time when Jerry was losing ground to Meg Whitman.  As the fiasco started playing out, someone in Brown's camp exploded another political bomb, which is blunder #4.
Blunder Number 4 will be one of the most crude blunders of all time:  someone in Brown's camp called Meg Whitman a WHORE!  Yes, I will dare print this out!  One of the lowest below the belt blows!  And did Brown sincerely apologize to Whitman for that?  NO HE DIDN'T!  This old bag has no manners, and lets his worker get away with it....the issue has not gone away on the West Coast, and it can backfire against the Liberal candidate.
Blunder #5:  Barney Frank keeps accepting bailout money from the banks he personally screwed up, then tries to hide that fact when Sean Bielat presents the proof in the campaigns.  Yes, your candidate for Congress keeps opening his flapper, and continues on telling bald faced lies to cover his carcass!
And to end this crazy list of blunders, I'll give you all a 2 for one going on in California and Minnesota:  2 liberal candidates use profanity in their campaigns...another all time low:  In Minnesota, Democratic Congressional Candidate Taryll Clark uses the S-bomb in her attacks against Michelle Bachman, while in California, Democratic State Treasurer Candidate Bill Lockyer uses the same S-bomb in an attempt to paint himself as someone who tries to reach across the aisle, when in reality, he has repeatedly blocked votes, and created a huge mess.   Call this blunder number 6!
Just remember, if you don't vote, it's likely you just might not be happy with what comes your way!
Get out and vote!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Boxer and Reid Have IQ Of Erasers


Barbara Boxer approved code pink trip to fallujah to donate $600000 to extremists to murder us soldiers

Gateway Pundit  

See the Gateway Pundit link?  Click onto it for the story, and see what this tool continues to do to us.  And she runs a bunch of lies against Carly Fiorina!  Boxer, Pelosi, Dingy Harry Reid and Moonbeam Jerry Brown need to all retire!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Is Jerry Brown getting desperate?

IIn the wake of the Meg Whitman scandal, one can start wondering if Jerry Brown is getting desperate for the votes.  Here is a link to the stories involving the mud slinging that Gloria Allred did in hopes it would help moonbeam get elected:

I wonder what trick Moonbeam is up to next.  Look up the You Tube video about Jerry Brown getting unions to do his dirty work so that he would look like the good guy.

Hey Moonbeam, did you lose your braincells when your hair fell off your head? 

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Godspell - Day By Day

Godspell - Day By Day

From Psalm 1:1a - Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked